Sim Foodie Eating Plan

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Through working with clients I have come to understand how painful it is to have tried every diet and exercise regimen with little to show for it.  It sucks to value your health but feel helpless in the effort to change.  The strict regimens leave you craving sweets and maybe your family even cooks two meals for dinner because they're "not interested in rabbit food" or you can't consume anything besides shakes...

Unlike other plans that have tons of restrictions and calorie counts to adhere to, this plan helps you eat healthy with flavour, variety, and food the family will enjoy.  Highly nutritions foods are conveniently transformed into your favourite dishes and rather then you having to go into debt to buy healthy, I wanted to provide a solution that is cost effective.  All recipes are affordable and strategically blend leftovers into unique dishes for the meals following.

Want to know if this is right for you? We do too.  Our reputation depends on your results.  

If you answer is "yes" to even 1 of the following questions, this plan could transform your life: 

Have you tried losing weight in the past by following main-stream fads diets and had little or no results?

Have you lost weight on a diet before and then gained it all back because the diet was not sustainable?

Do you have excessively oily skin or frequently get breakouts of acne or redness?

Do you have chronic problems with gas, bloating, or constipation?

 Do you carry excess weight around your stomach, butt, or thighs? 

My name is Justine Ward.  I am a doctor of chiropractic with a background in health sciences.  I have a great passion for cooking and nutrition and have always struggled with the idea that eating healthy has to be restrictive and stressful.  All through my formal education I made efforts to research and understand the art of cooking.  I looked for inspiration in my favourite chefs, modifying their recipes to suit the nutritional need to be healthy.

After years of listening to my friends and clients explain that they couldn't eat healthy because they "loved food too much" I decided to package the plan I had been working on for years without even knowing it.  At that time I only took on two clients because the work was fairly intensive.  Creating grocery lists, accounting for nutritional requirements of individual body types, and organizing the recipes took time and effort.  As the process began to streamline, I was able to take on more clients little by little.  At $300 a month per plan, I was being paid well for my time but not everyone could afford it.  It took some time to set up, since I am in full time practice as I write this, but we have finally made this plan available at minimal cost and easy to access.

Here is what some of my clients have said about their experience on the plan.

With results like this, I thought maybe it was time to provide this product to more people and at a cost everyone can afford.  

This is the first time this meal plan is available to the public.  


P.S. Don't forget leave us feedback on the facebook page or like us if you enjoyed the recipes. 

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Sim Foodie Eating Plan

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